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112th Edition – August 26, 2014

By August 26, 2014No Comments

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Montgomery County Executive Hispanic Gala Announces “Advocate of the Year” Awardee


The 2014 Steering Committee of the Montgomery County Executive Hispanic Gala (MCEHG) announces the first of three awards to be presented during the gala celebration on September 18, 2014 to take place at The Fillmore Silver Spring.

University of Maryland President, Dr. Wallace D. Loh, will be the 2014 recipient of the “Advocate of the Year Award”.

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Job Opportunity: Director, Partnerships & Collaborations at MedImmune

Medimmune logo

Location: MD, Gaithersburg – Corporate Headquarters

This will be a highly visible position dedicated to ensuring MedImmune further builds its collaboration efforts with governments, universities and non-profit organizations. The primary objective of this role will be to further entrench MedImmune in key biotech clusters to gain access to leading science and technology, enhance MedImmune’s reputation and create operational flexibility. The role will entail scouting for cross-therapeutic scientific collaboration opportunities, negotiating deals, working closely with internal scientists, event planning and strategic planning and analysis.

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MorphoSys and Emergent BioSolutions Sign License Agreement to Co-Develop and Commercialize Prostate Cancer Drug Candidate ES414 – MarketWatch


MorphoSys AG (MOR) MPSYY, and Emergent BioSolutions Inc. EBS, today announced an agreement for the joint development and commercialization of ES414. The compound, to be renamed MOR209/ES414, is an anti-PSMA/anti-CD3 bi-specific antibody targeting prostate cancer, which was developed by Emergent using its proprietary ADAPTIRTM (modular protein technology) platform. Preclinical in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that MOR209/ES414 redirects T-cell cytotoxicity towards prostate cancer cells expressing Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA), an antigen commonly found on such cells.

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BHI and the County to present in the 2014 International Biotech Summit and Health Industry Expo in China

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The 2014 International Biotech Summit Committee invite BioHealth Innovation (BHI) and Montgomery County to attend the three co-located international conferences that will be held on Sep 9 -12 in Shenzhen, China:

  1. 2014 International Biotech Summit (September 10, 2014);
  2. The 9th International Conference on Genomics (ICG-9) (September 11th-12th, 2014);
  3. Shenzhen International Biotech & Health Industry Expo 2014 (SIBHIE, September 10th-12th, 2014).

Ms. Lily Qi, Director of Special Projects for Montgomery County Executive Office who was involved in establishing BHI and a native of Shanghai, is going to speak on behalf of the County and BHI for the forum, “Innovation in Policy and Regulation for Advancing Healthcare Industry.” BHI and the County are also invited as an exhibitor for the SIBHIE Expo.

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BHI Job Opportunities: EIR Position Openings

BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI), a Montgomery County innovation intermediary which translates market-relevant research into commercial success by bringing together among other things management, funding, and markets, is seeking an experienced life science professional with entrepreneurial experience to serve as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR).

The EIR will lead in the evaluation of early-stage technologies and corporations with a priority focus on those associated with Funding Partners and those that best fit with the strategic direction as set by BHI’s CEO and Director of EIR Programs. The EIR will perform any reasonable task which will forward the goals of BHI. Further specifics and responsibilities include:

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Johns Hopkins team wins NIH design competition with spinal surgery aid – Hub


A team of Biomedical Engineering undergraduate students from Johns Hopkins recently won the 2014 Design by Biomedical Undergraduate Teams (DEBUT) Challenge for developing a device that aims to help surgeons safely and accurately place screws during spinal fusion procedures and surgeries for spinal abnormalities.

The AccuSpine pedicle probe was designed by eight undergraduates: Clay Andrews, Eric Xie, Adarsha Malla, Bradley Isaacs, Anvesh Annadanam, Erica Schwarz, Ravi Gaddipati, and Luis Herrera. Their project began in July 2013 as part of a Center for Bioengineering Innovation and Design design team class. Their goal was to address a clinical need for an effective guidance system for the safe and accurate placement of screws.

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Sparking New Ideas – Tech Transfer at DOE – T2 Speakers Series

Montgomery County ED

DATE: September 10, 2014 – 3:30 – 5:00 PM

LOCATION: Germantown Innovation Center, 20271 Goldenrod Lane, 2nd Floor, Germantown, MD 20874

As a federal agency, the Department of Energy is creative and innovative. Unlike other federal laboratories, each contractor-operated laboratory manages its own tech transfer agreements. Learn how to navigate these various opportunities and identify the best way to gain access to the technologies and partnerships to enhance your companies growth.

David E. Koegel
David Koegel is the senior technoogy transfer advisor in the Office of Science (SC) at the Department of Energy. A member of the Department’s Technology Transfer Policy Board, his experience in technology transfer goes back to the early 90’s when he was the Office’s Program Manager for American Textile partnership in the Laboratory Technology Transfer Program, a technology transfer collaboration among members of the integrated textile industry, the DOE national laboratories, a number of universities, and several research/education/technology transfer organizations. A member of the National Advisory Council of the Federal Laboratory Consortium, David has been the Department’s representative to the FLC for many years, as well as their representative to the federal Interagency Working Group on Technology Transfer. One of his significant duties involves the annual appraisal of the ten Office of Science national laboratories and is the primary point of contact for the various programs and organizations that use the laboratories’ personnel and facilities. Previously, he had been the Department’s Senior Technology Analyst in the SBIR/STTR Program, the Office of Science Small Business Program Manager, as well as the Program Manager for the Advanced Energy Projects program.

David joined the Department after spending several years at the Pentagon in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition, most notably during Desert Shield/Desert Storm, acting as a liaison to the Army’s laboratory system. Prior to this, he conducted research at the Army’s Night Vision Laboratory using metal organic chemical vapor deposition for the development of advanced infrared imaging devices.

David earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and an M.S. in Materials Science Engineering.

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A new TEDCO fund will make investments of up to $100,000 in cyber security firms – Baltimore Business Journal


The Maryland Technology Development Corp. is launching a new investment fund dedicated to cyber security.

The fund will make investments of up to $100,000 in companies that are developing and commercializing new cyber security projects.

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Roche to Acquire InterMune for $8.3 Billion – WSJ


Roche Holding AG said Sunday it would pay $8.3 billion for a California biotech firm that has yet to turn a profit on a new drug to treat a deadly lung disease—the latest gamble by a pharmaceutical giant to buy its way into a lucrative corner of the industry.

The takeover would allow the Swiss company to expand its presence in the treatment of respiratory disorders, one of the world’s biggest drug markets. Roche’s offer of $74 a share represents a 38% premium over InterMune’s closing share price on Friday of $53.80, and a 63% premium before takeover speculation surrounding the biotech started circulating this month.

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Roche’s InterMune Acquisition Underscores How It And Pfizer Are On Different M&A Paths


Roche has just announced the acquisition of the U.S. biotech company InterMune for $8.3 billion. The driver for Roche was to gain access to InterMune’s drug, pirfenidone (trade name, Esbriet), which is already approved in Canada and Europe for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). IPF is a deadly lung-scarring disease which affects 50,000 – 70,000 people in the U.S. and 80,000 to 110,000 in Europe. While still under review by U.S. regulatory authorities, Roche’s acquisition signals its belief that pirfenidone will also gain U.S. approval. How big a product can pirfenidone be? Consensus forecasts compiled by Thomson Reuters Pharma peg annual sales at greater than $1 billion in 2019 – a nice addition to Roche’s stable of pulmonary compounds including Xolair (asthma) and Pulmozyme (cystic fibrosis).

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2014 Innovator of the Year winners announced! – Maryland Daily Record


The Daily Record announced Thursday its 2014 Innovators of the Year, celebrating Marylanders and Maryland-based companies for their innovative spirit.

Twenty-eight innovators will be celebrated during the awards event on Oct. 15 at the American Visionary Art Museum, at 800 Key Highway in Baltimore.

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NHLBI Funding and Research Opportunities and Announcements for August 20, 2014


Funding and Research Opportunities

The following funding opportunity announcements from the NHLBI or other components of the National Institutes of Health, might be of interest:

NIH Guide Notice:

Updated Forms and Instruction Clarification for Re-entry (PA-12-150) and Diversity (PA-12-149) Administrative Supplements
(NOT-OD-14-118) National Institutes of Health

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Contract Solicitation (PHS 2015-1) Now Available
(NOT-OD-14-120) Office of the Director, NIH

Notice of Participation of NLM in PAR-13-357 “Pre-application: Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the NIH Clinical Center (X02)”
National Library of Medicine

Requests for Applications:

Multi-Site Clinical Trials for the Pulmonary Trials Cooperative (PTC) (U01)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Application Receipt Date(s): October 20, 2014

Network Management Core (NEMO) for the Pulmonary Trials Cooperative (PTC) (U01)
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Application Receipt Date(s): October 20, 2014\

Program Announcements:

Administrative Supplements for Tobacco Regulatory Research on the Role and Impact of Flavors in Cigarettes, Cigars, E-Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco (Admin Supp)
Office of the Director, NIH
National Cancer Institute
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Office of Disease Prevention
Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): Multiple dates, see announcement.

Please note that most links to RFAs, PAs, and Guide Notices will take you to the NIH Web site. RFPs will take you to FedBizOpps. Links to RFPs will not work past their proposal receipt date. Archived versions of RFPs posted on FedBizOpps can be found on the FedBizOpps site using the FedBizOpps search function. Under “Document to Search,” select Archived Documents.

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JMI Equity closes on $1B fund, its largest ever – Baltimore Business Journal


JMI Equity closed a $1 billion growth equity fund targeted at investing in software companies and services companies, it announced Wednesday.

The fund is the largest raised by JMI, a private equity firm operating out of offices in Baltimore and San Diego. The firm has raised more than $3.1 billion in committed capital since its founding in 1992. The largest fund JMI previously closed on was an $875 million fund completed in November 2010.

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Where Skateboards Meet Biotech –


When you think of tech companies, incubators or startups, South Carolina is still probably one of the last places that comes to mind. But with its new Office of Economic Engagement, which launched in the summer of last year, and a steadily growing incubator program, the University of South Carolina is working to change any misconceptions about tech startups not meshing well with the Palmetto State.

Just last week, USC’s Technology incubator held a graduation ceremony for seven companies that were ready to transition into the larger business community.

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The Medical Innovation Threat – WSJ


An invasive species has been introduced into the U.S. health innovation ecosystem, with a growing danger of permanent damage to the development of specialty drugs. The relentless assault on the price of Sovaldi is becoming a threat to the 30-year political balance that has energized the biomedical revolution.

Sovaldi is the kind of medicine that the drug scolds claim to want—a true scientific advance with a near-perfect cure rate for Hepatitis C, the liver-destroying virus that infects one of every 100 Americans and some 150 million world-wide. The old critique was that pharmaceutical discovery had stalled and the industry produced only me-too drugs. Now they attack Sovaldi because its price is $84,000 a patient.

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What are some of the leading life science incubators? –


There are approximately 1,250 business incubators in the United States, including about 120 with some life science focus, according to the National Business Incubation Association (NBIA). These programs vary greatly in their structure and services.

Often associated with universities or medical centers, life science incubators frequently offer affordable office space attached to shared wet lab facilities. Others focus on accelerating companies’ progress by offering intensive coaching, networking and support services. Some programs include seed funding up to $250,000 at a stage when few others are willing to invest.

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Rock Health adds 8 more startups and 3 new partners, including Deloitte and Abbott


Digital health incubator Rock Health is investing in eight new startups and teaming up with three new corporate entities – Blue Shield of California, Deloitte and global healthcare firm Abbott.

The new startups being incubated span the healthcare spectrum, from HIPAA compliance to life sciences and biotech. Among them:

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NSF awards $10.8 million in early concept grants for brain research – US National Science Foundation (NSF)


The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded 36 Early Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) to enable new technologies to better understand how complex behaviors emerge from the activity of brain circuits.

These awards will contribute to NSF’s growing portfolio of investments in support of President Obama’s BRAIN Initiative, a multi-agency research effort that seeks to accelerate the development of new neurotechnologies that promise to help researchers answer fundamental questions about how the brain works.

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How Open Innovation Centers Could Expand the Future of Biotechnology – #uberresearchprize – Digital Science


In July, alongside the ÜberResearch team, we launched a Twitter competition open to PhD students. The task was to tweet how you would spend £10 million of science funding using the hashtag #uberresearchprize.

We had hundreds of tweets and the top three, as voted by our judging panel, were then invited to write a blog post, delving into their original tweet. Over the next few days we will publish the top three blog posts here on our blog, announcing the winner on Monday 25th August.

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Here are 10 of the fastest growing health IT companies, according to Inc.


The interest in using health IT tools as a way to improve healthcare delivery and efficiency has produced many rapidly growing healthcare companies, many of which can trace their origins within one or two years of Obamacare’s passage. These companies have reached a stage of their development to accelerate growth and that has coincided with a readiness by healthcare providers and payers to adopt or ramp up their technology.

With a nod to the top healthcare company on Inc’s 5,000 Fastest Growing Companies, molecular diagnostic companies with smartphone-enabled technology have also become more attractive as investment and acquisition targets.

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The 7th Annual Maryland Stem Cell Research Symposium Tickets, Silver Spring – Eventbrite


Tuesday, December 2, 2014 from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM (EST)

The 7th Annual Maryland Stem Cell Research Symposium, hosted by the Maryland Stem Cell Research Commission and Montgomery County will be held on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 at the Silver Spring Civic Center, Silver Spring MD. The Symposium is the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund premier event that delivers comprehensive scientific talks, poster presentations, and networking time, enabling cell therapy basic research and technologies from the lab to pre-clinical and to commercialization. With a powerful line-up of speakers and many opportunities for you to present your work in concurrent or poster presentations, the Symposium will follow the format and style of previous meetings with additional networking time and an intimate environment.

Abstract Submission:

The Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF) is now accepting abstract submissions for poster and oral presentations for the 7th Annual Maryland Stem Cell Research Symposium. We encourage you to take full advantage of this opportunity to share your research results with our community. Multiple abstract submissions are welcomed.

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Please Click Here to submit your abstract today!

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In This Issue

About BHI

BioHealth Innovation (BHI) is a regionally-oriented, private-public partnership functioning as an innovation intermediary focused on commercializing market-relevant biohealth innovations and increasing access to early-stage funding in Maryland.

Table Talks at BioBuzz


August 27
American Tap Room

Shenzhen International Biotech & Health Industry Expo 2014 (SIBHIE)

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September 10-12
Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center

Shenzhen International Biotech Summit 2014

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September 10
Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center



September 10-12
Washington, DC | San Francisco, CA

T2 Speakers Series: Sparking New Ideas – Tech Transfer at DOE


September 10
Germantown Innovation Center

BioHealth Job Opportunities

BioHealth Jobs

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