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Aris Melissaratos

February 17, 2012 – Last night, nearly 300 of Maryland’s business leaders and lawmakers gathered for Corridor Inc.’s Sixth Annual Person of the Year Awards, held at the brand new Hotel at Arundel Preserve. What began in December with 21 accomplished and worthy nominees was narrowed down by reader votes to one person: Aris Melissaratos, Senior Advisor to the President for Enterprise Development at Johns Hopkins University.

When Aris Melissaratos first arrived in Maryland, he was 13 years old and spoke not a word of English. His parents had brought him to the United States as they escaped communism and economic hardship. Now, Melissaratos is known throughout Maryland and the region for his entrepreneurship, work ethic, community involvement, and leadership.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 2011 Person of the Year: Aris Melissaratos



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