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2017 BioHealth Capital Region Forum

By February 17, 2017No Comments

Join us as we showcase accomplishments and discuss opportunities for the future of the BioHealth industry in the BioHealth Capital Region.

This invitation-only event is free for executive level biotech leaders and is presented by BioHealth Innovation, VirginiaBio, Paragon Bioservices, INOVA, University System of Maryland and MedImmune/AstraZeneca. Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC set the bar high for biotech innovation. So please join us for our Annual BioHealth Capital Region Forum — a catalyst for public-private, academia-industry, and seasoned-rising stars to join forces for the good of the region. We are excited to bring you an exceptional line up of speakers. The program will feature sessions that focus on Advancing Science and Accelerating Innovation.

April 19 – 20, 2017

One MedImmune Way, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Register at

For more information, contact Amy Rubenstein at 513-238-8606 or


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