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Solicitations CAPCaT CIMIT

Date: 1/22/2020 Expressions of Interest are due no later than 4:59pm EST on Monday, March 2, 2020.  CAPCaT Contact: Mary Dubuque  Email:

Funding Opportunity The Center for Advancing Point of Care Technologies (CAPCaT) in Heart, Lung, Blood, and Sleep Disorders (U54HL143541) announces the 2020 solicitation of grant applications focused on developing, adapting, or validating point of care technologies that can be rapidly applied to heart, lung, blood, or sleep disorders, with additional interest in projects that incorporate complementary and integrative health approaches.  We plan, based on the receipt of meritorious applications, to fund up to six awards of up to $100,000 over 12 months, with one or more award(s) focused on complementary and integrative health.




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