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70th Edition – November 11, 2013

By November 12, 2013No Comments

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DreamIt Health Baltimore – Application Deadline Extended until Monday , November 18th

DreamIt Health Baltimore is a healthtech accelerator that will select up to ten startups from around the world to take up residence in the heart of Charm City and achieve in four months what might otherwise take years. The program is designed to help these teams tackle significant problems in the healthcare industry and achieve critical business milestones. We do this by enabling access to people and resources normally out of reach, by removing as many obstacles as possible, and with guidance from successful entrepreneurs who have been there before and done it before. Participants will have the opportunity to work closely with all corners of Johns Hopkins and tap into the region’s wealth of federal healthcare institutions including CMS, FDA and NIH. The capstone of the program, Demo Day, gives these teams the opportunity to unveil their products and progress before a few hundred early-stage investors and key industry figures.

For more information visit DreamIt Health Baltimore

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NIH SBIR Fall Event – Tuesday, November 12th

Meet the Program Managers

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM (EST)

Rescheduled due the government shutdown, this event is to gather interested small businesses seeking assistance from the Small Business Innovation Research grants program within the National Institutes of Health. This is a free event brought to you by BioHealth Innovation. Hear from the largest SBIR awarding Institutes on current Institute funding priorities. Meet one-on-one with program managers regarding your current project. Learn of SBIR assistance provided by BioHealth Innovation.

Email Ethan Byler, to request a one-on-one meeting with one of the program managers from NCI, NIAID, or NHLBI.


155 Gibbs Street

Rockville, MD 20850

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Developing and delivering effective investor presentation for your early stage venture – Tuesday, November 19, 2013


The Indian Biomedical Association (IBA) is inviting entrepreneurs from early phase companies with products or services in the life sciences industry the opportunity to connect, collaborate and partner with investors.

Entrepreneurs should submit their presentations for IBA’s event on “Developing and delivering effective investor presentation for your early stage venture” by 10/31/2013 for the event to be held on Tue November 19, 2013, 6:00 – 8:00 PM. Location: Johns Hopkins University, Room 121, Building 3, 9605 Medical Center Dr, Rockville, MD.20850

Selected companies will be invited to make their pitch to a panel of experts who will provide critical feedback.

Following the above event, a short list of selected companies will be invited to make their presentation to a group of investors on Tue December 17, 2013, 6:00 – 8:00 PM, at IBA’s “Biomedical Innovation Funding Forum“. Location: Johns Hopkins University, Room 121, Building 3, 9605 Medical Center Dr, Rockville, MD, 20850

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Preclinical Data on Emergent’s Prostate Cancer Drug Is “Encouraging”


Emergent BioSolutions Inc. presented preclinical data on its lead bispecific Adaptir therapeutic, ES414, at the 5th Annual Protein and Antibody Engineering Summit (PEGS) in Lisbon, Portugal. The ES414 molecule was constructed using Emergent’s Adaptir technology platform and is being developed as a potential therapeutic for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).

The presentation shared results of preclinical studies demonstrating ES414 is pharmacologically active and well tolerated. Preclinical in vitro and in vivo studies have shown ES414 redirects T-cell cytotoxicity (RTCC) towards prostate cancer cells expressing prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA), an antigen commonly found on prostate cancer cells. The ES414 molecule selectively binds and links the T cell receptor on cytotoxic T cells to the PSMA on tumor cells, triggering tumor cell destruction.

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BD Diagnostics Presents Integrated Cervical Cancer Testing Solutions at EUROGIN 2013 – MarketWatch


BD Diagnostics, a segment of BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company), a leading global medical technology company, announced today at EUROGIN 2013 that the Company has achieved CE/IVD marking of its BD Totalys(TM) MultiProcessor, an automated instrument that integrates the pre-processing for the BD SurePath(TM) Liquid-based Pap Test with a molecular aliquot, maintaining sample integrity while improving efficiency in the lab. The Company also supported a symposium at the conference which highlighted the performance of the new BD Onclarity(TM) HPV Assay on the BD Viper(TM) LT System, which is pending EU certification.

“These new products are part of BD’s integrated Women’s Health portfolio and support full sample chain of custody, high diagnostic accuracy and a clear patient management approach – all important elements to improving patient care,” said Paul Holt, Global Market Segment Leader, Women’s Health & Cancer – BD Diagnostics. “When laboratories and physicians partner with BD Diagnostics, they benefit from highly customized, leading-edge solutions for the rapidly changing landscape of cervical cancer screening.”

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Clinical Trial Center for Functional Foods Sets Up in UMB BioPark


The University of Maryland BioPark announced today that the Clinical Trial Center for Functional Foods (CTCF2) has signed a lease for office space at the BioPark. The main home for the CTCF2 is located in the Jeolla-buk Province of South Korea, and is part of the Chonbuk National University Hospital.

“When the BioPark was founded, we had the goal of establishing a strong presence from the international life sciences community,” said Jane Shaab, University of Maryland Research Park Corporation Senior Vice President and Executive Director of the UM BioPark. “We began building this presence with the SNBL Clinical Pharmacology Center, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of a Japanese biomedical company, and now we have our first investor from Korea.”

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University System of Maryland signs on for new role in region —

University System of Maryland

A merger of the University System of Maryland and the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center is one step closer after leaders signed an agreement this month for a new building at the California campus.

A merger could open up educational and business opportunities for the region, officials said Friday during a signing agreement at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in Solomons.

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Digital Healthcare: Efficient? Yes. Effective? Maybe

Tjohns-hopkins-new-logohe increasing digitization of healthcare could shake up the industry in many ways, from allowing doctors to do their jobs more efficiently to reducing demand for specialists, according to a new study from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

How technological changes will increase access and improve quality of care is still a moving target, however, according to the new study, published today in Health Affairs. Meanwhile, a different set of researchers found that one technological intervention improved access to care for depression, but had no impact on depressive symptoms.

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GSK announces new apprentice and graduate engineering opportunities in the UK during Tomorrow’s Engineers Week


GSK today announced the recruitment of 140 new apprentices over the next two years in the UK – of which a third will be in engineering. This represents a 27% increase in the company’s annual intake of apprentices since 2012/13.

GSK also announced plans to increase the number of engineering graduate trainees by 26 in Britain – an increase of 25% since 2012/13.

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DreamIt Health Medtech Startup Incubator Coming to Baltimore


DreamIt Health, a new health startup incubator that paired entrepreneurs around Philadelphia with experts from Independence Blue Cross and Penn Medicine to help commercialize new ideas, is now venturing down I-95 to expand into the city of Baltimore. We spoke with Elliot Menschik, MD, PhD, who manages DreamIt Health, about the goals of the new venture and the opportunities it plans to offer to Baltimore’s medtech entrepreneurs.

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The Votes Are In … Pitch Across Maryland “Fan Favorites” Announced

Startup maryland

Social networks have been all “abuzz” over the past month getting the vote out for the most important elected-position in the region.

No … silly … we are not talking about elected officials in our neighboring Commonwealth, we are talking about what really matters — the Pitch Across Maryland 2.0!!!

Today is the day we tallied the view-votes for the “Fan Favorite” competition of the Pitch Across Maryland.

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Research Commercialization Introductory Course


Now on its sixth run, the Research Commercialization Introductory Course is a very popular online course designed to help science and engineering researchers better understand how research commercialization works. Over 5000 students, faculty and researchers from across the US have taken this course since it’s been offered.

Research commercialization involves taking articles, documentation, know-how, patents, and copyrights, which are created during research activities and getting them to users and patients for real societal impacts. In some cases, commercialization involved taking patents based on the research and licensing them to a company. This usually involves also having the researchers consult to the company. In other cases, commercialization involves forming of creating a startup and applying to federally funded commercialization programs. In all cases, though, research commercialization typically involves defining the nature of the research being commercialized (e.g., in a patent or intellectual property agreement), establishing a commercial relationship with another party (e.g., employment, a sale or license), and negotiating a contract (e.g., compensation).

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More business grads ditch finance, opt for tech jobs – Baltimore Business Journal

College Graduation

Newly-minted MBA graduates are more frequently turning away from finance jobs as financial crisis aftereffects linger and instead picking careers in the tech sector.

In fact, for the first time, more Stanford Graduate School of Business grads this year chose tech jobs over finance jobs, The Wall Street Journal reports. Thirty-two percent of this year’s class picked tech while 26 percent headed into finance — those figures were 13 percent and 36 percent, respectively, two years ago.

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Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab Holds Parent STEM Workshop


The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) will hold its second annual Parent STEMpowerment Workshop on Nov. 17, in the Kossiakoff Center on its Laurel, Md. campus. The free workshop, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., is designed to help parents of elementary and middle school students prepare their children to explore careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

The event, developed for parents with little or no exposure to STEM fields, will provide resources to support children in the pursuit of STEM careers and impart a better understanding of the importance of STEM.

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U.S.-Russia Innovation Corridor Hosts Biotech & IT Startups


Furthering a commitment to bilateral innovation, a delegation of five biomedical and information technology companies from the University of Nizhny Novgorod visited the University of Maryland on October 16-25 under the auspices of the U.S.-Russia Innovation Corridor. The companies participated in the first region-to-region visit of Russian startups under the program since UMD and UNN signed a Memorandum of Understanding in April 2013 to deepen ties in the biomedical industry.

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If you want to work for Johns Hopkins University, you’ll have to answer these questions – Baltimore Business Journal

Jjohns-hopkins-new-logoohns Hopkins University has an acceptance rate under 20 percent. It’s clearly a prestigious institution. But what is it like to interview for a job at the region’s largest private employer?

I hit the books hard to go through Glassdoor’s index of user-submitted interview questions. Here are the three geekiest interview questions asked at Johns Hopkins (pertaining to different jobs, of course). Take a moment to see if you can answer them.

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GSK selects 8 scientists in Discovery Fast Track competition for academic drug hunters


GSK has selected eight winners in its first Discovery Fast Track competition, designed to translate academic research into starting points for new potential medicines. The contest attracted 142 entries across 17 therapeutic areas from 70 universities, academic research institutions, clinics and hospitals in the US and Canada.

The winning projects show clear opportunities to deal with important unmet medical needs, including antibiotics resistance, diseases of the developing world and certain cancer types. The selected scientists will collaborate with GSK’s Discovery Partnerships with Academia (DPAc) team, the sponsor of the competition, to rapidly screen and identify novel compounds to test their promising hypotheses. If advanced chemical testing is successful, the winning investigators could be offered a DPAc partnership to further refine molecules and assess their potential as novel new medicines.

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FEEDBACK SUMMARY REPORT – The results of the trip of UNN companies to Maryland in the frame of EURECA II program


After the trip UNN participants were interviewed and filled the Feedback forms (see the Appendix). The results of interviews and feedback forms processing may be summarized as follows.

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State Government R&D Expenditures Increase 11.3% from FY 2010 to FY 2011


State government agency expenditures for research and development totaled $1.404 billion in FY 2011, an 11.3% increase over the $1.261 billion reported in FY 2010. Expenditures for R&D facilities (construction projects, major building renovations, and land and building acquisitions intended primarily for R&D use) totaled $109 million in FY 2011, a 1.7% increase over the $107 million reported in FY 2010. This InfoBrief presents summary statistics from the FY 2010 and FY 2011 Survey of State Government Research and Development, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

The FY 2010 and FY 2011 survey presents the most recent NSF statistics of R&D activities performed and funded by state government agencies in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Survey data are available by state and by individual state agency. For the first time, NSF collected two fiscal years of data from state governments as part of a single survey operation. In addition, a new category was added to this survey, so state agencies were given the option to separately classify their energy-related R&D expenditures. Other R&D categories include agriculture, environment and natural resources, health, transportation, and other.

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New Tools to Transform Traditional Technology Transfer Tickets – Eventbrite


Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013, Southeastern Universities Research Association

In 2010, the University of Virginia created a pan-university innovation initiative designed to elevate innovation, entrepreneurship, and translational research as core competencies and key strategic priorities of the institution. A long-time practitioner of “traditional technology transfer”, UVa sought nothing less than a “sea change” in its innovation ecosystem and culture in creating this new innovation platform. Intellectual property is still protected, marketed and licensed (i.e., “traditional technology transfer”). But beyond these activities, the university has nurtured an ecosystem (both within the institution and beyond) which can be leveraged to identify innovation and knowledge assets more broadly and earlier; to advance those assets through proof-of-principle and commercial relevance assessments; and to leverage such assets and relationships to create products, services, companies, and jobs – and value for the university. Along the way, UVa Innovation actively uses its research capacities, social media, crowd-funding, grand challenge competitions, outreach and networking, and relentless “innovation proselytizing” to engage increasing numbers of university students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, and supporters in elevating innovation as core competency and focal point of UVa’s mission.

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Baltimore Innovation Week 2013: 45+ events, 80+ partners, 5,500+ attendees » Baltimore


Nearly 6,000 people took part in the second annual Baltimore Innovation Week at the end of September, in partnership with many great organizations throughout the region. Full disclosure, we at Baltimore helped lead the big open calendar of events. Find a wrap video and some outcomes of the week below. This year, we saw […]

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America, we’re not fat, loud and lazy. We’re fat, diseased and stressed


Okay. The verdict’s still out on loud. (If my family–myself included–is any indicator, that’s probably a losing battle.) The point is our human capital is plummeting globally thanks to our poor health, according to the World Economic Forum’s new Human Capital report. Our obesity and fast-paced lives are bound to catch up with us with heart disease and diabetes among other chronic disease. But it could come around and kick us where it collectively hurts the most: our already hurting economy.

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US Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission – Innovation Working Group Meeting


View Presentation

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Cambridge deals top $23bn in seven months – Business Weekly


Another massive acquisition by MedImmune and a new fund to uncover the next ARM lit up a vibrant October when deals in the Cambridge UK technology cluster topped $900 million.

It took the seventh month total in Business Weekly’s Cambridge Cluster Deals Digest to just over $23 billion. While MedImmune splashed the most cash, it was a home-grown innovation that had the Cambridge investment community buzzing.

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In This Issue

About BHI

BioHealth Innovation (BHI) is a regionally-oriented, private-public partnership functioning as an innovation intermediary focused on commercializing market-relevant biohealth innovations and increasing access to early-stage funding in Maryland.

An Entrepreneurial Perspective on Technology Transfer and Commercialization


November 13
Johns Hopkins University, Montgomery County

Collaboration=Innovation: Biotechnology Today


November 13

Doing Business in Africa Global Trade Forum


November 18
Johns Hopkins University, Montgomery Campus

Bioscience Day 2013


November 19
University of Maryland Stamp Student Union

IBA Early-Stage Life Science Company Pitches


November 19
Johns Hopkins University Montgomery County

BioHealth Job Opportunities

Technology Development Specialist – Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Director, Biotechnology Research and Education Program

Technology Licensing Specialist-OD-DE

Pharmaceutical Project Manager/Project Team Leader at NCATS

Business Development Specialist, Office of Translational Alliances and Coordination

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