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Business Rx: Breaking up with a mentor? Do it slowly – The Washington Post

By August 26, 2013No Comments

Q:I am in the mid-stages of my career. I’ve been climbing the corporate ladder for a while with some success. Lately, I’ve been reading about how corporate entities want to hire those who think entrepreneurially. In fact, where I work, I’ve heard our top management talk about it. To be honest with you, I’m not really sure how to act on it or develop the thinking. Can you recommend some good reads or blogs?

Elana Fine: Eric Ries’ “The Lean Startup” talks about entrepreneurship within existing corporations, such as Intuit, and with start-up ventures that are more typically thought of as “entrepreneurial.” Similar skills apply in both cases — identifying a problem/solution, building a product on limited resources while testing hypotheses, establishing relationships with key partners and channels, etc.

Image Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici /

To read the original article: Business Rx: Breaking up with a mentor? Do it slowly – The Washington Post


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