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Please plan to attend and also help spread the word about some exciting technology transfer programs planned for the NIH Research Festival next week:

Monday, September 22nd from 12-2pm

“Careers for scientists in technology transfer & business development” Poster Session I Building 10 – FAES Academic Center Presenter: Steve Ferguson (NIH/OTT)

Monday, September 22nd from 12-2pm

“NIH and the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer” Poster Session I Building 10 – FAES Academic Center Presenters: Steve Ferguson (NIH/OTT) and Gary Jones (Federal Laboratory Consortium)

Monday, September 22nd from 2-4pm

“Commercial Development of my Research: Still More Personal Stories from former NIH Intramural Scientists” Concurrent Symposium Session I Building 10 – FAES Academic Center – Classroom 3

Co-chairs: Steve Ferguson (NIH/OTT) and Todd Chappell (BioHealth Innovation)



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