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Pathfinder Innovation Program

By October 18, 2018No Comments

BHI and Launch Workplaces are co-hosting a series of education and 1:1 consulting sessions on topics of interest to early stage biohealth and technology companies. These sessions are open to all start-ups in the BioHealth Capital Region (with priority on 1:1 office hours given to Montgomery County Innovation Center tenants).  Find your path for business growth with experts on a wide range of topics.

Each program begins with an overview of issues related to the day’s topic with lessons learned and best practices from experts in the field and companies which have been through the process.  Attendees can sign up for 1:1 meetings with the experts after the overview sessions to discuss their specific scenarios more in-depth.  Companies participating in at least 5 sessions will have the ability to apply for a small matching grant (awarded competitively) to advance their commercialization activities. 



  • 8:15 a.m. –  Networking
  • 8:30 – 9:20 a.m. – Panel with Q & A
  • 9:30 a.m. –12:30 p.m. – 1:1 meetings*

11/14 – CMS Reimbursement – Germantown Innovation Center

11/28 – Legal Issues for Early Stage Companies – Rockville Innovation Center

1/23 – Tax Implications for Startups  

1/29 – Fundraising (SBIR)  – Location TBD

2/27 – Fundraising – Other (nonSBIR nondilutive and dilutive)  – Germantown Innovation Center

3/27 – Successful Marketing & PR Strategies – Rockville Innovation Center

4/24 – Selling to the Government – Silver Spring Innovation Center

5/15 – Pricing Factors – Rockville Innovation Center

6/12 – Staff Recruitment and Retention – Germantown Innovation Center

*Space will be available for you to work while you are waiting for your 1:1 meeting.


To RSVP, for the overview session(s), send your contact information and the date(s) of the program(s) you plan to attend to email BHI.

To schedule your 1:1 meeting(s) with consultant(s), click here.

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