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The biotech IPO boom is becoming ‘historic’ as four more throw their hats in – Endpoints News

By July 6, 2020No Comments
Jason Mast Endpoints News

Jason Mast Endpoints News

Four more US biotechs filed to go pub lic Fri day as yet more com pa nies clam ber to get through a yawn ing IPO win dow and on to a mar ket that’s sig naled its will ing ness to re ward near ly any new drug mak er.

The new en trants are led by ALX On col o gy and the bi o log i cal an a lyt ics biotech Berke ley Lights, each of whom filed to raise $100 mil lion. The au toim mune com pa ny Pan dion Ther a peu tics al so filed for $75 mil lion, and Kiromic Bio phar ma, a tiny im muno-on col o gy start up based in San An to nio, filed for $25 mil lion.



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