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At Johnson & Johnson, we believe a good idea can come from anywhere. Our aim is to identify, empower and enable the best ideas to get to patients and consumers around the globe. In an effort to unearth the unseen and brightest innovations in healthcare, Johnson & Johnson Innovation is launching a Quick Pitch event where innovators can apply to present to Johnson & Johnson Innovation’s leadership during the week of the 37th Annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco, CA.   If you are selected, you will have an opportunity to present for 5 minutes followed by a 5 minute Q&A session with Johnson & Johnson Innovation’s leadership. 

If you have a novel idea that has yet to be introduced to Johnson & Johnson and fits our areas of interest, we would like to hear from you. Apply for an open spot at the Johnson & Johnson Innovation Quick Pitch event to be held on Wednesday, January 9th from 9-11am. Limited spots available.

Applications must be submitted by December 7th.   



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