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JLABS LogoA HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Sally Allain on her new position as Head of hashtag#JLABS @ Washington, DC. We, at @Children’s National Health System, are super excited to work with Sally and the entire JLABS team to hashtag#Innovate4Kids

Richard Bendis Judy Costello Vasum Peiris, MD, MPH, FAAP, FACC, FASE Jeffrey M. Gallagher Michael Friedlander @Cassandra Isley John Newby @Kyparissia (Kyp) Sirinakis Tami Howie TEDCO Arti Santhanam @Marshall Summar Josh Wilson, MBA Cherri Carbonara @Kimberly Ovitt, APR Kurt Newman Elizabeth Flury @Chelsea Hewitt Jennifer Cosenza Melinda Richter @Carli Hickman Michelle McMurry-Heath




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