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WASHINGTON DC—AARP today announced the launch of a new program to give developers of popular and emerging products insight into how Americans 50-plus use technology in order to identify ways to improve the devices for mature consumers. The initiative is called Project Catalyst and its first study is focused on popular activity and sleep trackers. In conjunction with UnitedHealthcare and Pfizer Inc., this is the first of several technology studies that AARP will conduct with the goal of accelerating innovation for aging Americans. “Technology that is designed well – designed for all – can be used by a 5-year-old and a 95-year-old, alike. We are thrilled about starting this study and commencing the launch of the Project Catalyst program, said Jody Holtzman, AARP senior vice president of Thought Leadership. “The goals of Project Catalyst are in direct alignment with the mission of AARP – to identify challenges and determine solutions to improve the quality of life for people as they age.”



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