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Relevant Health alumni, Agewell Biometrics is in the running to win the Medstartr Open Crowd Challenge. You can suppoprt them and help end the epidemic of avoidable falls in the elderly. Make a tax deductable donation or show your support by ‘Liking’ the campaign and help Agewell over the finish line.

Agewell’s Equilibrium™ platform is the first automated, fall prevention system. Using a smartphone, and soon a wearable sensor, Equilibrium™ measures strength, balance and physical function in order to identify fall risk, giving an early window of opportunity to take the right preventative steps before a fall happens.

One in three people aged 65 years and older fall every year – the leading cause of injury-related deaths amongst older adults, in addition to causing loss of independence, social isolation and depression. As many as 50% of these falls could be prevented with simple exercises, but only once a problem is identified. Equilibrium™ gives you the early warning for fall risk and soon you’ll be able to download it on your iOS or Android phone as a simple-to-use app.

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