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9b3e8621 8573 8133 367b a4893b5ac33dEvent provides forum for researchers to learn more about ARPA-H’s Open Broad Agency Announcement

ARPA-H has opened its first Agency-wide Open BAA, seeking funding proposals for research aiming to improve health outcomes across patient populations, communities, diseases, and health conditions.

On April 4, ARPA-H will host a Proposers’ Day for interested parties to learn more about the application process for the Open BAA and ask questions. Register for the event. (Registration closes 5 p.m. ET on Monday, March 3)

“With the launch of our Agency-wide Open BAA solicitation, we have an opportunity to immediately start funding projects that span from innovative tools, including those that will advance Cancer Moonshot objectives, to new technologies to engineer and manufacture cell and gene therapies that are accessible to the patients that need it most — and everything in between,” said ARPA-H Director Dr. Renee Wegrzyn. “We’re opening the door to catalyze the entire health ecosystem.”

The BAA calls for proposals to outline breakthrough research and technological advancements and is open to all researchers, including those from universities, small and large companies, and research organizations. Proposals should outline potential breakthrough research, investigate unconventional approaches, and challenge accepted ideas to help enable significant leaps forward in science, technology, systems, or related capabilities. Think big and revolutionary—small, incremental efforts are out of scope.

To guide research submissions, ARPA-H has identified four strategic focus areas align with the agency’s mission: Health Science Futures, Scalable Solutions, Proactive Health, and Resilient Systems. ARPA-H is further interested in research that enables quantitative measurements of health outcomes, human-centered design for health innovations, participatory research, and advances in Ethical, Legal, and Societal Implications (ELSI) topics.

Proposers’ Day Agenda (All times listed are EDT):

  • 11-11:45 a.m. Technical Brief
  • 11:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Acquisition Brief
  • 12-12:30 p.m. Break
  • 12:30-1 p.m. Q&A

Click here to register for the event


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