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AURP’s BIO Health Caucus Sponsors 10th Annual BioHealth Capital Region Forum

By August 19, 2024No Comments

AURPAURP and its BIO Health Caucus have sponsored the 10th Annual BioHealth Capital Region Forum (Sept 17-18) at US Pharmacopeia in Rockville, MD.

Serving on the Forum planning committee are: Amy Adams, Executive Director of George Mason University’s Institute for Biohealth Innovation; Kolaleh Eskandanian, Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer at Children’s National Hospital; and Brian Darmody, AURP Chief Strategy Officer.

The BioHealth Capital Region Forum gathers together the DC/MD/VA region’s biopharma sector, to highlight the region’s capabilities and achievements with insights into future trends. With over 2,300 life science companies, 78 federal labs, and numerous esteemed academic institutions, the BioHealth Capital Region stands as a vibrant hub of innovation and opportunity. Learn more.

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