BHI Weekly News Archives 2000-2022 77th Edition – December 31, 2013 You're receiving this newsletter because of your interest in BioHealth Innovation Having trouble viewing this email? View it in your…Super UserDecember 31, 2013
News BioPen to rewrite orthopaedic implants surgery – University of Wollongong A handheld ‘bio pen’ developed in the labs of the University of Wollongong (UOW) will allow surgeons to design customised…Super UserDecember 30, 2013
News Here are the most viewed healthcare stories of 2013 on MedCity News 10. Our broken healthcare system defeats even the most empowered patients Jess Jacobs and Donna Cryer are experts on the…Super UserDecember 30, 2013
News Roughed Up by an Orca? There’s a Code for That – Know someone who drowned from jumping off burning water skis? Well, there’s a new medical billing code for that. Michael…Super UserDecember 30, 2013
News $1 million innovation prize for bioelectronics res – TMD – Today’s Medical Developments GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) officials announced a $1 million dollar prize for innovation in the emerging area of bioelectronics research. The prize…Super UserDecember 30, 2013
News Former Pfizer chief Kindler joins team to launch Baltimore biotech – Baltimore Business Journal A group of heavyweight biotech industry executives, including the former CEO of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., have formed a new…Super UserDecember 30, 2013
News 5 biotech startups braving the new world of microbiome therapies In the same way that great advances in our understanding of the human genome sparked new opportunities for biotech companies…Super UserDecember 30, 2013
News Startup Ranks the Top 10 Universities With the Most Creative Students – InTheCapital There's a reason why Johns Hopkins University has been named one of the top med schools worldwide and the number…Super UserDecember 27, 2013
News Healthcare technology geeks: Prep for next year’s IT buzzwords Every year, Silicon Valley creates new buzzwords to make its startup founders, corporate spokespeople, and “thought leaders” feel like they’re…Super UserDecember 26, 2013
News My Top Picks in Bio-Venture Innovations, and Predictions for 2014 – Xconomy I am a biotech VC, but not a techie. So I don’t follow stem cells, gene therapy, and other similar…Super UserDecember 26, 2013