News Tech Council of Maryland CEO to Step Down in February – MarketWatch The Tech Council of Maryland, Maryland's largest technology trade association with more than 400 biotechnology and technology members employing more…Super UserNovember 21, 2012
Uncategorized BHI Hosts Delegation from Korea based Chungbuk Technopark On November 19, 2012, members of a Korean delegation from Chungbuk Technopark visited BioHealth Innovation (BHI). Central to the visit…Super UserNovember 20, 2012
News Canada’s first US health IT accelerator could be a job generator – MedCity News As healthcare providers implement the changeover to electronic medical records and meaningful use requirements, the opportunities seen by health IT…Super UserNovember 20, 2012
News University of Maryland, UMB venture to focus on patient data research – Baltimore Business Journal The latest joint venture between the University of Maryland, College Park and University of Maryland, Baltimore will combine computer know-how…Super UserNovember 19, 2012
Uncategorized BHI Featured in “Why Rockville” Ad Campaign BioHealth Innovation, Inc. and Rich Bendis were recently featured in the “Why Rockville” ad campaign which runs in The Gazette…Super UserNovember 19, 2012
News MedImmune maintains its roots while building AstraZeneca drug pipeline – When Gail Folena-Wasserman joined Gaithersburg biotechnology startup MedImmune in 1991, she was its first employee in research and development, and…Super UserNovember 19, 2012
News CoFounders Lab Wins Startup Maryland “Pitch Across Maryland” Competition – Baltimore Citybizlist Startup Maryland is proud to announce that CoFounders Lab (Rockville, Md.) has claimed the top spot in its Pitch Across…Super UserNovember 19, 2012
News Rockville startup for entrepreneur match-ups wins state contest – Gazette.Net There is a host of websites for people who want to link up for personal relationships. CoFoundersLab of Rockville wants…Super UserNovember 19, 2012
News Arizona Furnace, The First Statewide Accelerator Program Based on Technology Transfer Unveils First Ten Startups – Arizona's first-of-its-kind statewide technology transfer startup program, AZ Furnace Accelerator, is pleased to announce it has selected the first 10…Super UserNovember 19, 2012
News Startup Professionals Musings: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Asking For Money The first question most people seem to ask when contemplating a new startup is where they will get investor money.…Super UserNovember 19, 2012