News Tech Council of Maryland names interim CEO – Washington Business Journal The Tech Council of Maryland has named Art Jacoby, a Catonsville, Md.-based small business consultant, as its interim CEO.…Super UserJanuary 30, 2012
News O’Malley seeks to boost technoology transfer Gov. Martin O‟Malley will call for more than $6 million to spin research conducted at university labs   …Super UserJanuary 30, 2012
News Gazette.Net: As rivals loom, state hopes to expand biotech presence A decade ago, Maryland's chief competition in the bioscience industry came from the coasts: New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts…Super UserJanuary 29, 2012
News Qiagen’s Peer Schatz: five steps towards solving the global health crisis | Forum:Blog | The World Economic Forum Healthcare is caught in a slow-motion collision between two 21st Century realities. The world’s growing and aging population creates ever-greater…Super UserJanuary 29, 2012
BHI in the News Montgomery County panel OKs $250K boost to bio initiative A Montgomery County Council committee recommended on Monday to contribute $250,000 this fiscal year to a public-private partnership — BioHealth…Super UserJanuary 24, 2012
BHI in the News Don’t rely on Maryland’s biotech industry to grow itself – Baltimore Business Journal The arduous task of converting laboratory research into a promising startup biotechnology company has many laborers. And a fledgling group…Super UserJanuary 20, 2012
BHI in the News Montgomery County’s BioHealth Innovation to stretch into Baltimore – Washington Business Journal A Montgomery County nonprofit is planning to extend to Baltimore its mission of translating laboratory research into startup companies. Where…Super UserJanuary 20, 2012
News University of Maryland angel group head Elana Fine is picked to be director of entrepreneur center – Washington Business Journal Elana Fine, who heads an angel investor network organized by the University of Maryland ’s Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship,…Super UserJanuary 20, 2012
News Federal Program Helps Small Businesses Become More Innovative – Southern Maryland News, Charles County, Calvert County and St. Mary’s County News The legislative compromise on a short-term payroll tax extension dominated headlines in late December, but few journalists heralded a provision…Super UserJanuary 19, 2012
News Maryland Innovation Partnership Recognized as National Model | Cision Wire An innovative Maryland technology transfer program - the first of its kind in the United States to partner federal labs…Super UserJanuary 17, 2012