BHI Weekly News Archives 2000-2022 436th Edition, March 9, 2021 BioHealth Innovation If you are having trouble viewing this email, please click here March 9, 2021 FOUNDING MEMBER OF Digital…Super UserMarch 9, 2021
News VIRTUAL SBIR and OTHER NON-DILUTIVE FUNDING SOURCES WORKSHOP with 1:1 PARTNERING – March 17-19, 2021 Are you a biohealth company with innovative technology seeking funds to advance your commercialization activities? Do not miss a unique…Super UserMarch 8, 2021
News VIRTUAL SBIR and OTHER NON-DILUTIVE FUNDING SOURCES WORKSHOP with 1:1 PARTNERING – March 17-19, 2021 (2) Partnering meeting slots now are full with more than 450 1:1 partnering meetings requested with Program Officers from NSF, NIH…Super UserMarch 8, 2021
News Here is a summary and thank you to all participants and speakers of the VIRTUAL SBIR and OTHER NON-DILUTIVE FUNDING SOURCES WORKSHOP with 1:1 PARTNERING – March 17-19, 2021 More than 160 entrepreneurs attended last week’s BHI Virtual Non-Dilutive Funding Workshop with 1:1 Partnering cohosted by BioHealth Innovation and…Super UserMarch 8, 2021
BioTalk with Rich Bendis Podcast Dr. Dipanjan Pan and Phil Robilotto of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, join Rich Bendis on BioTalk Dr. Dipanjan Pan and Phil Robilotto of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, join BioTalk to discuss RNA Disease Diagnostics, UM…Super UserMarch 8, 2021
News Dr. Dipanjan Pan and Phil Robilotto of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, join Rich Bendis on BioTalk Dr. Dipanjan Pan and Phil Robilotto of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, join BioTalk to discuss RNA Disease Diagnostics, UM…Super UserMarch 8, 2021
News IonQ, a quantum computing startup, will go public – Washington Business Journal The 6-year-old company will merge with a blank-check firm to go public. (more…)Super UserMarch 8, 2021
News FASTER (Federal Authority for Science, Technology, Engineering and Research) Federal Labs: Leveraging Place, Talent and Technology The federal lab system is an enormous $50 billion-plus enterprise of internal research and development taking place in federal facilities…Super UserMarch 8, 2021
News GSK to receive CARB-X funding to develop superbug vaccines – EPM Magazine GSK Biologicals and its affiliate GSK Vaccines Institute for Global Health (GVGH) are currently working on two vaccine projects. The…Super UserMarch 8, 2021
News The United States Of Venture Capital: The Most Active VC In Each State | CB Insights Research Despite recent challenges, venture capital firms are still seeking out investment opportunities across the country. Since our last analysis of…Super UserMarch 8, 2021