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To say there has been change in the health care industry is an understatement. Sweeping national reform and a major shift in the way Maryland hospitals are paid are dramatically overhauling how business is done. Regardless of where you stand on Obamacare and Maryland’s Medicare waiver, you can’t ignore that reform and technology are creating lots of opportunities for innovation in a field that for too long accepted the status quo.

That’s why the Baltimore Business Journal is recognizing those innovators who are creating new health care products and strategies — whether it’s a medical device, new drug, software or a system to improve safety at the region’s hospitals. We’re looking for people and companies that are doing amazing work developing ways to make health care even more accessible, efficient and effective.

The winners of the BBJ’s 2014 Health Care Innovators will be judged for strong ideas, results and vision in several categories. Tell us why you think an innovative technology, strategy or product should be honored. How has it improved the way business is done or health care is delivered? The winners will be featured in the Nov. 7 Baltimore Business Journal and will be recognized at a special event. The BBJ will convene a panel of judges to determine the winners in the following categories:



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