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BHI Life Science Business Strategists Monique Bennett and Kelly Murphy join host Rich Bendis to talk about BioHealth Commercialization, Proposal Assistance, and Submissions for Entrepreneurs and Start-Ups

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Monique Bennett has been a scientist for 10 years, with specific experience in antibody discovery, vaccine science, and infectious disease. She graduated with her Master’s Degree from the College of William and Mary in Cellular and Molecular Biology before obtaining a Ph.D. in Microbiology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN. She next worked as a Research Assistant Professor, performing clinical research targeted toward producing new vaccine targets and therapeutics for bacterial pathogens.

Kelly Murphy recently graduated from the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University with her master’s in biotechnology with coursework in Pharmaceutical Strategy, Technology Commercialization, Engineering Management, Regulatory Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Medicine and Law, and Critical Thinking. She recently moved from Chicago back to her hometown of Las Vegas, NV.

Click here to read the transcript.


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