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– Several BHI Board Members and Designees Among Those Appointed by Governor Hogan

– Chancellor Robert L. Caret Joins BHI Board of Directors as Representative for the University System of Maryland (USM)

Md dept commerce bendis rotator

Rich Bendis, BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI) President and CEO, was recently appointed to serve on Governor Larry Hogan’s Maryland Life Sciences Advisory Board (LSAB). Mr. Bendis is one of 16 individuals who represent Maryland’s key federal, academic and industry organizations on the LSAB.

Several members of the BHI Board of Directors, including Dan Abdun-Nabi, President and CEO of Emergent BioSolutions Inc. (who also serves as LSAB Chair); Doug Liu, Senior Vice President and Head of Global Operations at Qiagen Sciences Inc.; and Mike Gill, Secretary of the Maryland Department of Commerce, were also among those newly appointed to the LSAB. BHI Board alternate designees Christy Wyskiel, Senior Advisor to the President of Johns Hopkins University, and Jarrod Borkat, MedImmune’s Head of External Collaborations, Biotech Hubs and Government Contracting, are also new LSAB appointees.

“It is an honor to be appointed to Governor Hogan’s Maryland Life Sciences Advisory Board,” said Mr. Bendis. “BioHealth Innovation, Inc. continues to lead the charge in making Maryland a top biohealth hub. The others appointed to the LSAB are an impressive group of thought leaders within their respective fields.”

In addition to the LSAB appointments, BHI announced that University System of Maryland Chancellor Robert L. Caret has accepted a position on the BHI Board of Directors. Chancellor Caret officially filled the previously held Board seat of William E. (Brit) Kirwan, Ph.D., as of January 1, 2016.

“It is my pleasure to accept a seat on the BHI Board of Directors to provide academic insight and perspective,” said Chancellor Caret. “Joining this board represents a unique opportunity to work alongside great minds who are influencing and shaping the direction of biohealth and biotech innovations in Maryland and throughout the country.”

About BioHealth Innovation, Inc.

BioHealth Innovation, Inc., is a regional innovation intermediary focused on commercializing market-relevant bio-health innovations and increasing access to early-stage funding in Maryland. BHI is known for providing commercial assistance to scientists and founders, educating and infusing Maryland’s life science community with new and young entrepreneurs and fueling startups within Central Maryland’s bio-ecosystem by connecting young companies to funding and business resources. Learn more at


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