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ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, September 6, 2017 – BioHealth Innovation Inc., (BHI) President and CEO Richard Bendis has been named one of The Daily Record’s 2017 Innovators of the Year. Mr. Bendis is one of 26 individuals and companies who have created new products, services or programs that have had a positive effect on business, industry or the community.

“I am grateful to be chosen as an Innovator of the Year by The Daily Record,” said Mr. Bendis. “The Biohealth Innovation team, along with our partners throughout and beyond the BioHealth Capital Region, all deserve a piece of this honor.”

The 2017 Innovator of the Year awards will be presented Oct. 18th at a reception/dinner starting at 5:30 p.m. at the American Visionary Art Museum, 800 Key Highway in Baltimore. Winners will be profiled in a special magazine that will be inserted into the Oct. 19th issue of The Daily Record and available online at

“Innovation creates strong organizations. Innovators believe in their products, in new ideas and better processes. They are not afraid to put money and personal effort into innovation to ensure success,” said Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, publisher of The Daily Record. ” The Daily Record is committed to recognizing innovation across the state, and this year’s honorees are truly trailblazers, on a clearly marked path to achievement.”

About BioHealth Innovation, Inc.

BioHealth Innovation, Inc., is a regional innovation intermediary which supports the transformation of research projects into new business opportunities in partnership with the region’s rich assets, institutions, and entrepreneurial community. BHI achieves this goal by being a catalytic partner in the economic development ecosystem. Learn more at

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Media contacts:

Rich Bendis

Phone: 301-637-6439,



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