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bisnow-moco-forecastWhat’s next for Montgomery County? The potential for livable work, live and play environments on Metro abound. But what about the business community? What is it going to take to build an innovation economy? Is Montgomery County going to become the next tech hub?

Join us for a very special morning event featuring some of the brightest and most influential business and real estate leaders as they discuss some of the most dramatic decisions that this region will face in the upcoming year. Panelists include County Executive Isiah Leggett, Steve Silverman, and BHI’s Rich Bendis. Sign up now to join leaders of the Maryland business region for an important morning of discussion and networking!

We are looking forward to this event, and hope you’ll be able to attend. As a special offer to our friends and clients, we have partnered with Bisnow to provide you with a 20% discount. Enter discount code MCBEND at checkout.

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