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BioHealth Co-Founder Matchmaking Event

Take the first step in launching your biohealth company – find a co-founder!



Event Description:
BioHealth Innovation and CoFoundersLab are hosting an event to bring together local professionals in the biohealth industry who are interested in commercializing biohealth products and services.

As part of the experience, attendants will create a profile online to pre-network with other professionals attending the event. 

Desired Outcome:
Encourage professionals in the biohealth industry to take the entrepreneurial track, and help professionals connect with potential business partners to accelerate this process.

Only 100 tickets are available – purchase yours now!

Register button October 10, 2012
5:30 – 9 PM

Visarts Logo

155 Gibbs Street
Rockville, MD 20850

Download Flyer Button 2


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