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A Compelling Opportunity

The BioHealth Capital Region has unmatched biohealth assets from iconic federal institutions, world-class universities, top-notch healthcare facilities, and global and emerging bioscience companies. However, we have yet to fully realize the return on investment from these assets. This is largely due to the lack of a cohesive strategy in moving ideas from labs to the market. While other regions with far less assets have proactively addressed this opportunity by creating innovation-driven economic development organizations and initiatives. It is time central Maryland started to close this gap, and it is BioHealth Innovation’s mission to complete.

What does BHI do?

BHI sources and evaluates market-relevant biohealth intellectual properties, connects the IP with funding, and assists businesses in marketing and growth. It aims to:

– Increase the flow of private and public early stage capital;

– Develop an active commercialization talent network;

– Facilitate accelerated tech transfer and commercialization of relevant innovations;

– Market and brand the region as a global biohealth leader; and

– Ensure an adequate supply of experienced biohealth entrepreneurs and workers.





Within five years, BioHealth Innovation (BHI) will be a catalyst to transform the BioHealth Capital Region into a leading global BioHealth entrepreneurial and commercialization region.


BioHealth Innovation connects market relevant research assets to appropriate funding, management and global markets to facilitate the development of commercially viable biohealth products and companies.

Value Proposition

BHI is a regional innovation intermediary that accelerates and facilitates technology transfer and commercialization of market-relevant research in federal labs, universities, and biohealth companies in the Region.  It is a private-public partnership in the form of a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit that connects the Region’s innovation assets to provide integrated technical knowledge, financial means and entrepreneurial/managerial expertise to turn promise into prosperity for the region while advancing human health.

BHI will accomplish its mission by building an entrepreneurial ecosystem, working directly with federal and academic technology transfer offices, making various types of risk capital readily available to promising biohealth startups, strengthening and connecting the local supply of industry talent, developing a regional brand and reputation, and advocating for improved business and regulatory conditions in the industry. 

Contact: Rich Bendis, President & CEO,

General Inquiries:, 301-637-7950

BioHealth Innovation Inc. | 1 Church St, Suite 801, Rockville, MD 20850


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