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Costello-Head-ShotROCKVILLE, MARYLAND, July 25, 2017 – BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI), would like to thank outgoing Managing Director, Ethan Byler as he leaves the organization for the next stage of his career. Over the past five years, Ethan has been responsible for multiple programs supporting the success of BHI. Ethan’s contributions and accomplishments include managing the EIR program with NIH, coordinating SBIR funding assistance to secure over $13M in non-dilutive funding for BHI startup partners, managing the Germantown and Rockville Innovation Centers, building out the Relevant Health accelerator and BHI LaunchLabs suite, achieving successful federal grants for initiatives at BHI, and supporting the growth of a number of biohealth startups in Montgomery County, Baltimore, and other locations across Maryland.

“BHI wouldn’t be where we are today without the hard work and accomplishments of Ethan Byler,” said Richard Bendis, BHI President and CEO. “Ethan has been a consummate professional, leader, and friend to me and the entire BHI family. We wish him the very best as he and his family move to New Jersey for their next adventure.”

In addition, BHI is pleased to announce the addition of Judy Costello as Managing Director, Economic Development at BHI. A longtime supporter of the region’s entrepreneur and start-up communities, Judy joined the Maryland Department of Commerce as Deputy Director of the BioMaryland Center in 2011. More recently, she served as Director of the department’s Office of BioHealth and Life Sciences. She was with the Business Alliance for fifteen years prior, organizing venture pitch forums, entrepreneur bootcamps, tech transfer showcases, educational seminars, and other programs connecting entrepreneurs, faculty innovators, students, and industry leaders in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia.

Prior to joining the Business Alliance, Costello held positions in economic development, financial services marketing, and university public relations. She is a graduate of Georgetown University, and holds a MBA from Loyola University in Maryland.

“We are excited and very fortunate to have Judy join the BHI team,” said Richard Bendis, BHI President and CEO. “Her knowledge of our industry and region will complement the BHI mission.”

About BioHealth Innovation, Inc.
BioHealth Innovation, Inc., is a regional innovation intermediary which supports the transformation of research projects into new business opportunities in partnership with the region’s rich assets, institutions, and entrepreneurial community. BHI achieves this goal by being a catalytic partner in the economic development ecosystem. Learn more at

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Media Contact:
Rich Bendis
Phone: 301-637-6439, e-mail:


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