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Seth and Rich Gif

Want to be on the cutting edge of disease treatment? Learn how companies like Immunyx Pharma are changing the landscape of immune modulation in the battle against diseases with the JLABS/BARDA Blue Knight program on this episode of BioTalk with Rich Bendis.

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Dr. Seth Salpeter has deep experience in developing and bringing new biotechnologies to market. Currently he serves as Co-Founder and CEO of Immunyx Pharma, a biotech focused on developing immuno-modulatory therapies for chronic diseases and as Co-Founder and CTO at Curesponse, a precision cancer medicine company. Prior to that he was Chief Scientist and VP Business Development at Sight Diagnostics. Dr. Salpeter holds a Ph.D in Biochemistry from the Hebrew University and performed post-doctoral studies at the Institute for Drug Research, the Hebrew University School of Pharmacy.

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