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Rich and Amritha

Amritha Jaishankar, PhD, Executive Director, Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF), joins BioTalk to discuss her career, investing in Maryland, and accelerating cures.


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Dr. Amritha Jaishankar serves as the Executive Director, Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF). In this role, Amritha is responsible for oversight of all MSCRF activities, programs, scientific management and oversight of the portfolio, as well as MSCRF business development. She works with stem cell scientists and a variety of key stakeholders to develop a collaborative research program and promote commercialization of stem cell technologies.


MSCRF has invested over $170 million in identifying, supporting, and accelerating cutting-edge research, innovation, clinical trials and commercialization of human stem cell-based technologies in Maryland. Amritha is scientist by training who has devoted her career to developing cures for debilitating and life-threatening conditions of our time and to advancing this field, through various roles in federal, university, and industry settings. She is passionate about using stem cell technologies to accelerate cures for patients in need. Her experience in and outside of the laboratory has made her a proven leader and champion for stem cell research and commercialization.


Since 2016, she has led an Accelerating Cures initiative at MSCRF and has helped create a vibrant and growing stem cell community in the region. She was recently recognized for her leadership in life sciences and contributions to the community by Women in Bio Capital Region and as a 2020 Leading Women honoree by The Daily Record, Maryland. Amritha serves on a number of advisory boards and committees in the region.


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