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Dear Friend:

On Wednesday, October 17th, I will be hosting a follow up discussion to a Biotech forum held earlier this year that addressed ways to help the biotechnology sector thrive in Montgomery County. I will be joined at this discussion by Congressman Jamie Raskin, Dr. Anthony Saleh, CEO, miRecule Inc. and Dr. Chris Austin, Director of the National Center for Advance Translational Sciences (NCATS), NIH.

The topic will be whether federal ethics and conflict of interest restrictions on NIH (intramural) scientists impede the competitiveness of our region’s biotechnology enterprise by limiting incentives for starting new commercial ventures.

This meeting will be held at Johns Hopkins University Montgomery County Campus, Room 121 in the 9605 Building, which is located at Medical Center Drive in Rockville. Parking on campus is available; however, a parking permit is required. Please park in the lot adjacent to the building located at the corner of Key West Avenue and Broschart Road. To ensure you receive a parking permit you must RSVP to this event. The event begins at noon and is scheduled to end at 1:30pm. A light lunch will be provided. Please email your RSVP to Walton Harris at or 240-777-7945.


George L. Leventhal
Montgomery County Councilmember


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