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Planning is officially underway for the 2016 FLC national meeting scheduled for April 26-28 at the Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago. This year, a new technology ‘pitch’ session is under development with The Defense Innovation Initiative – Experimental (DIUx) that will feature a panel of investors who are familiar with early stage technologies, including lower Technology Readiness Level (TRL).

Pitching Ideas

All laboratories are invited to pitch their technologies to the panel of investors! The most promising ideas will be given the opportunity to receive additional support and resources to further assess and develop their concepts for commercialization through licensing, identification of potential collaboration partners, etc. Don’t miss the chance to interact with investors and gain valuable exposure of your lab’s technologies in front of an investment audience.

To submit your technologies for the ‘Pitch’ session, please download and follow the instructions on the attached flyer! For additional questions about tech submissions, contact Program Chair Kathleen McDonald at

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