News Three Hot Investment Areas in Medtech for 2013 – Life Science Nation As we come to the close of Q1 of 2013, LSN has compiled some insight into three of the hottest…Super UserMarch 28, 2013
News Rockville’s Adlyfe awarded $300,000 through InvestMaryland – Baltimore Business Journal The Maryland Venture Fund has awarded $300,000 to Adlyfe, a Rockville diagnostic test developer, as part of the state’s InvestMaryland…Super UserMarch 28, 2013
News Why It Stinks To Be A Healthcare Entrepreneur – Forbes This the title of a keynote given last week by Jonathon Bush, the CEO of AthenaHealth, at the Xconomy Mobile…Super UserMarch 28, 2013
News Does your mobile health app need FDA clearance? Checklist gives guidance for digital health entrepreneurs – MedCity News A week after the Congressional hearings discussed how the US Food and Drug Administration’s impending regulatory guidelines (expected by October)…Super UserMarch 27, 2013
News HHS’ Sebelius: Brace for healthcare cost ‘shifting’ (ie. increased costs for men, the young) – MedCity News President Barack Obama's top healthcare adviser acknowledged on Tuesday that costs could rise in the individual health insurance market, particularly…Super UserMarch 27, 2013
News Emergent BioSolutions, other Michigan companies bring in students for fresh ideas – Emergent BioSolutions, Inc., a global specialty pharmaceutical company, is generating fresh ideas from Michigan State University students at its Lansing…Super UserMarch 27, 2013
News New Enterprise Associates is not a private equity firm – Washington Business Journal Sure, New Enterprise Associates is much, much bigger than most venture capital firms. And not all of their deals fall…Super UserMarch 27, 2013
News Maryland Eastern Shore’s first full-service business incubator approved – MDBIZNews Tech entrepreneurs will soon find a new home at Innovation Crossroads, the Eastern Shore’s first, full-service business incubator. Gov. Martin…Super UserMarch 27, 2013
News Transformation, From A to Zed – Site Selection Online Two announcements on Monday and Thursday of last week signaled a fundamental strategic and physical shift for biopharma giant AstraZeneca,…Super UserMarch 26, 2013
News 6 healthcare IT investment opportunities and trends for angels and startups – MedCity News Many of the changes in the healthcare industry outlined by the Affordable Care Act and HITECH Act call for shifting…Super UserMarch 26, 2013