News Beyond the Stethoscope–How MD-MBAs Influence the Current Challenges in Healthcare The National Capitol Area Chapter of SoPE in concert with Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, MedChi, and Medical Society of…Super UserApril 10, 2012
News H.I.G. BioVentures raises $268 million – Washington Business Journal H.I.G. BioVentures, a Miami-based venture firm with ties to Maryland’s biotech cluster, has raised a fresh $268 million to invest…Super UserApril 10, 2012
News Interested in Technology Transfer? Meet the FLC at its 2012 National Meeting! The President has issued an innovation challenge, and the Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) can help you answer…Super UserApril 9, 2012
News The JOBS Act, crowdfunding and what it will mean for healthcare startups With President Barack Obama signing the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Bill into law today, the crowdfunding provision could mark a…Super UserApril 9, 2012
News Opportunities in the Eastern U.S. Life Sciences Clusters – Science Careers – Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Faculty, Postdoc jobs on Science Careers For scientists pursuing careers in biotech, clusters of life science-related companies and research institutions in the eastern United States may…Super UserApril 6, 2012
News BioBuzz Rockville – April 25. 2012 Join us on April 25th at Stella Restaurant for another BioBuzz in Montgomery County! This month's corporate sponsor, BioHealth Innovation, inc. (BHI) is an innovation intermediary…Super UserApril 5, 2012
News Group Set To Sequence 1000 Genomes By The End Of The Year | Singularity Hub When the Human Genome Project got underway in 1990 it was expected to take 15 years to sequence the over…Super UserApril 5, 2012
News Synthetic cells could be the future of drug delivery – FierceDrugDelivery In the world of drug development, honing an effective molecule is just the first step. As everyone in the drug…Super UserApril 5, 2012
News Hamner: Biotech growth to last until 2035 – Triangle Business Journal Dr. Charles Hamner has been researching the nanotechnology industry since, as he puts it, “before they called it nanotechnology.” But…Super UserApril 5, 2012
News Cerecor, biotech startup headed by Blake Paterson, raises $22M – Baltimore Business Journal Cerecor Inc., a Baltimore biotech startup headed by former Alba Therapeutics CEO Dr. Blake Paterson, has raised $22 million in…Super UserApril 5, 2012