News Biotech Tesaro sets terms for $81 million US IPO – Tesaro, a biotech focused on the treatment of chemotherapy-induced symptoms, announced terms for its IPO on Tuesday. The Waltham, MA-based…Super UserJune 20, 2012
News Maryland forms biotech partnership with Paris – Baltimore Business Journal Maryland’s economic development office has formed a partnership with a Paris region to team on disease research and translational medicine.…Super UserJune 20, 2012
News New video game from MdBio targets biotech’s next-generation work force Trying to meet the future work force where it is, some Maryland biotech executives are backing a unique strategy to…Super UserJune 20, 2012
News Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore Inks Business Partnership with BioHealth Innovation to Bring Health and Life Sciences Research to Market – MarketWatch The Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore (EAGB) announced today that it has completed a formal agreement to serve as Greater…Super UserJune 20, 2012
News UMB BioPark signs Biogen Diagnostics, Global Scientific as tenants – Baltimore Business Journal Two new companies are moving in to the University of Maryland BioPark, university officials said Tuesday. Biogen Diagnostics Ltd.,…Super UserJune 20, 2012
News Maryland hopes for big splash at BIO?in Boston Maryland bioscience executives, along with county and state officials, are in Boston this week to sell the state’s potential to…Super UserJune 19, 2012
News Rockville biotech snags $220M for biodefense center Emergent BioSolutions, the Rockville biotech that sells the only approved anthrax vaccine to the federal government, has won a $220…Super UserJune 19, 2012
News Emergent BioSolutions to develop HHS innovation center – Washington Business Journal Rockville-based Emergent BioSolutions Inc. has formed a public-private partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services to establish…Super UserJune 19, 2012
News 6th Street Commerce Wins 2012 Maryland Incubator Company Of The Year Award – Houston Chronicle 6th Street Commerce, an innovative E-commerce solutions provider to the retail industry, today announced that the company was selected Maryland…Super UserJune 19, 2012
News THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY AND FRAUNHOFER HEINRICH HERTZ INSTITUTE SIGN MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The Johns Hopkins University (JHU), America’s first research university, in Baltimore, Md., USA, and the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI),…Super UserJune 19, 2012