News This Maryland program will pair cyber researchers and entrepreneurial grad students to form startups – Baltimore Maryland universities are home to lots of cyber researchers and technologists working on new ways to secure our increasingly technology-reliant…Super UserOctober 12, 2020
News Pipeline – Immunomic Therapeutics Our allergy assets remain an underpinning of Immunomic Therapeutics’ success, and have enabled our pivot to focus on oncology. In addition to…Super UserOctober 12, 2020
News VIRTUAL INVESTORS’ CONFERENCE ON BIOHEALTH (November 18, 2020) IMN’s Virtual Investors’ Conference on BioHealth, taking place November 18, will provide a platform to understand the intersection of securitization…Super UserOctober 12, 2020
News Covid-19 drives historic demand for life sciences real estate All the fundamentals are aligning for the life sciences industry, as Covid-19 accelerates already growing demand for real estate in…Super UserOctober 12, 2020
News Amytrx Enrolling Clinical Trial of AMTX-100 in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis 08 October 2020 Germantown, MD, USA (October 08, 2020) – Amarex Clinical Research, LLC, an NSF International company client, Amytrx…Super UserOctober 12, 2020
News Propelling TRADE AND INNOVATION BETWEEN QUÉBEC AND MARYLAND in life sciences and public health (October 15, 2020 – 2:30 p.m.) You are invited to continue strengthening the Québec-Maryland collaboration! Objectives of this webinar Highlight the signing of the cooperation…Super UserOctober 12, 2020
News MCEDC President and CEO Benjamin Wu joins BioTalk to discuss all things Montgomery County, Economic Development, and the BioHealth Industry Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) President and CEO Benjamin Wu Chats with Rich Bendis on BioTalk. Listen now Apple,…Super UserOctober 12, 2020
News 6th Annual BioHealth Capital Region Forum (Oct 19th, 2020) (REGISTER NOW!) Super UserOctober 12, 2020
News Shape Theranostics Releases Initial Data Showing Potentially More Effective Method to ID and Inactivate COVID-19 Drug- and vaccine-based methods of attacking the SARS-CoV-2 virus rely on chemical properties to identify the virus (for example surface…Super UserOctober 5, 2020
News MD BioManufacturing Companies Appy Now to Receive Up to $20K in Engineering Services Marylad biomanufacturing companies can receive up to $20,000 in free energy engineering services, potentially saving hundreds of thousands of dollars…Super UserOctober 5, 2020