News The SBA’s PPP: How to Prepare for a Potential Audit Since the enactment of the CARES Act, the Small Business Administration and U.S. Department of the Treasury have continually updated…Super UserMay 11, 2020
News BioHealth Innovation Entrepreneur-in-Residence Feedback Session – May 27th Are you a start-up in Maryland, DC or Virginia seeking feedback on your biohealth business idea, pitch deck, or commercialization…Super UserMay 11, 2020
News Immunomic Therapeutics Founder and CEO Bill Hearl RETURNS to BioTalk after completing a new $61.3 million raise. He joins BioTalk host Rich Bendis to discuss their recent successes in funding, research, and their growth in the BioHealth…Super UserMay 4, 2020
News THE BIOHEALTH CAPITAL REGION (BHCR) IS CRITICAL TO AMERICA AND THE WORLD IN SOLVING HEALTHCARE’S CHALLENGES Today we hear phrases such as “In these difficult times” to highlight the challenges of the world with COVID-19 which…Super UserMay 4, 2020
News Venture vs. The Virus: The Life Science/Healthcare Outlook for Fundraising During a Pandemic · BioBuzz (May 13) I know what you’re thinking…it’s hard enough to raise venture capital for life science/healthcare startups in normal times, but throw…Super UserMay 4, 2020
News Venture vs. The Virus: The Life Science/Healthcare Outlook for Fundraising During a Pandemic · BioBuzz (May 13) I know what you’re thinking…it’s hard enough to raise venture capital for life science/healthcare startups in normal times, but throw…Super UserMay 4, 2020
News UMB-born medical device company Breethe acquired by Abiomed – Baltimore Breethe, the medical device company founded by renowned University of Maryland School of Medicine surgeon and professor Dr. Bartley Griffith,…Super UserMay 4, 2020
News Resources to Accelerate COVID Funding Applications Are you working with a technology that may be valuable to the fight against COVID-19? BHI has expanded its federal…Super UserMay 4, 2020
News “Bayh-Dole 40 and the Coronavirus Crisis” Video Webinar RECAP (Webinar occurred on 4/23) On April 23, 2020, the Bayh-Dole 40 Coalition and the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation co-hosted a video webinar on…Super UserMay 4, 2020
News Maryland plays an outsized role in worldwide hunt for a coronavirus vaccine – The Washington Post As the world anxiously awaits a coronavirus vaccine, a Maryland biotechnology company already has signed deals to do initial production of…Super UserMay 4, 2020