News Merck to streamline business; separate into two companies – Philadelphia Business Journal Merck & Co. Inc. unveiled plans Wednesday to spin off products from its women’s health and biosimilars businesses, along with…Super UserFebruary 10, 2020
News Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Boston Properties quest for megacampuses – San Francisco Business Times Its potential 1.7 million-square-foot campus in South San Francisco matches the biotech industry's growth. (more…)Super UserFebruary 10, 2020
News Former GSK Site in Pennsylvania Gets Revamped into Life Sciences Hub | BioSpace In June 2019, MLP Ventures’ The Discovery Labs announced renovation plans for GlaxoSmithKline’s R&D space in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania…Super UserFebruary 10, 2020
News George Mason University starts the search for developers for its Amazon-inspired Arlington campus expansion – Washington Business Journal George Mason University is now looking for private partners to help it build its Amazon-inspired expansion of its Arlington campus,…Super UserFebruary 10, 2020
News Coronavirus testing efforts in the US CNBC’s Meg Tirrell reports on testing efforts here in the U.S. to detect the coronavirus. With Qiagen’s interim CEO, Thierry…Super UserFebruary 10, 2020
News Startup Maryland posts 2019 video business pitches | Spotlight | Startup Maryland recently unveiled video pitches from the participants in the 2019 STRT1UP Roadshow. Entrants are now in the running…Super UserFebruary 10, 2020
News Following new health systems partnership, Avhana Health plans hiring in 2020 – Baltimore As it gears up for expansion in 2020, Baltimore-based Avhana Health is kicking off a partnership with one of Florida’s…Super UserFebruary 10, 2020
News New life-sciences venture contest to award top grant of $20K | WilmingtonBiz Life sciences and biotechnology business ventures in Southeastern North Carolina could get a boost through a new competition launched Tuesday…Super UserFebruary 10, 2020
News 10 medical research trends we’ll be watching in 2020 and beyond | LinkedIn Now that we have stepped over the threshold into 2020, what has the research community learned that will propel progress…Super UserFebruary 10, 2020
News Baby Steps: Med Device Innovation For Children Developing medication, devices, and products for children is not a matter of “shrinking” down the adult version. Delivering solutions to…Super UserFebruary 10, 2020