News Monsanto’s $2.5 Million Commitment Expands BioSTL Effort to Grow St. Louis’ Prosperity through Bioscience BioSTL announced today a five-year, $2.5 million grant from the Monsanto Company that will support the nonprofit’s work to promote…Super UserMarch 27, 2014
News Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) Funding for Technology Product Development MIPS provides funding, matched by participating companies, for university research projects that help companies develop new technology products. Benefits to…Super UserMarch 27, 2014
News University of Maryland Announces Graduation Speaker – Schools – Gaithersburg, MD Patch Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley will address the University of Maryland graduates at spring commencement on Thursday, May 22, the campus announced…Super UserMarch 27, 2014
News YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki to deliver Johns Hopkins commencement address – Hub Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, will address graduates of Johns Hopkins University at commencement on May 22, 2014. Named one…Super UserMarch 27, 2014
News Viruses in bacteria create buzz at Science Festival – Cambridge Business Information MedImmune, the global biologics R&D arm of AstraZeneca, is always enthusiastic about explaining how its science benefits patients’ lives. So…Super UserMarch 26, 2014
News CROs as early-stage life science investors? ‘It’s the model of the future,’ one says Contract research organizations make good money providing critical services to young biotech and drug development companies early on. But often,…Super UserMarch 26, 2014
News 12 finalists named in InvestMaryland Challenge – MDBIZNews The Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED) announced today that 12 startup companies have advanced to the final…Super UserMarch 25, 2014
News Maryland serial entrepreneur offers six tips for sharpening your fundraising pitch – Baltimore Business Journal For startup CEOs, there’s probably nothing more nerve wracking than giving a presentation to prospective investors. Dr. Lisa Beth Ferstenberg…Super UserMarch 24, 2014
News Top 10 European Biopharma Clusters – GEN Europe has shown the world over the past half century how countries with centuries of conflict can finally cast aside…Super UserMarch 24, 2014
News Bethesda Green: Maryland’s Green Business Incubator (KO) Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff founded Honest Tea in 1998. In the recently released Mission in a Bottle, the co-founders tell…Super UserMarch 24, 2014