News Cotton Rat RSV Model Launched By Noble Life Sciences Inc. In Partnership With IBT Bioservices Noble Life Sciences (Gaithersburg, MD), in collaboration with IBT Bioservices (Gaithersburg, MD), announces a newly optimized cotton rat model for…Super UserJanuary 30, 2014
News 5 ways Washington DC is very different than Silicon Valley – GIGAOM I was in Washington D.C. today at the State of the Net conference, listening to conversations about internet governance, Bitcoin,…Super UserJanuary 29, 2014
News TCM Industry Awards Celebration – Nomination Form The Mid-Atlantic area is full of outstanding leaders and innovative companies, but only a chosen few will receive a coveted…Super UserJanuary 29, 2014
News Maryland entrepreneurship – The effort to focus the post O'Malley era in Maryland on developing private sector businesses and jobs got a big…Super UserJanuary 29, 2014
News KBA leader vows Kansas will become bioscience leader – The head of a state-funded business accelerator on Monday said Kansas will soon be recognized worldwide as a place to…Super UserJanuary 29, 2014
News Johns Hopkins opens health care company in Saudia Arabia – Johns Hopkins Medicine is joining with a company in Saudi Arabia to form a health care company. The Baltimore medical…Super UserJanuary 29, 2014
News Cole Field House to host University of Maryland’s first Major League Hacking event – The Diamondback : Campus In a little more than two months, about 1,000 people will flock to Cole Field House, but the occasion won’t…Super UserJanuary 29, 2014
News AccelerateBaltimore picks 6 startups for 2014 program – Baltimore Business Journal Six startup companies have been selected to participate in AccelerateBaltimore's 2014 program. The accelerator program is run by the Emerging…Super UserJanuary 28, 2014
News Are Ribosomal Readthrough Drugs the Next Biotech Magic Bullet? – BiotechBlog On a recent press tour of New Jersey I was introduced to PTC Therapeutics, a fascinating company that is developing…Super UserJanuary 28, 2014
News EHRs to redefine the role of doctor – Healthcare IT News Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and The Commonwealth Fund have concluded that electronic health record…Super UserJanuary 28, 2014