News A Baltimore group will pay tech firms $10,000 to move downtown – Baltimore Business Journal Downtown Partnership of Baltimore Inc. is launching a grant program aimed at getting more tech firms to consider moving downtown.…Super UserOctober 13, 2014
News VC shop follows Y Combinator into the world of biotech incubators – FierceBiotechIT Another incubator is ready to test Y Combinator's theory that it is possible to get a biotech-related startup off the…Super UserOctober 13, 2014
News University Senate to transform non-tenure-track faculty policies – The Diamondback The University Senate made progress on the policies and guidelines that address non-tenure-track faculty — or professional track faculty, as…Super UserOctober 13, 2014
News Alexandria Real Estate Equities Rides the Biotech Innovation Boom – As Alexandria Real Estate Equities (NYSE: ARE) marks the 20th anniversary of its founding, the provider of state-of-the-art real estate…Super UserOctober 13, 2014
News MedImmune and Shionogi sign license agreement for Shionogi’s preclinical biologics in acute coronary syndrome MedImmune, the global biologics research and development arm of Anglo-Swedish drug major AstraZeneca,… In order to access this content you…Super UserOctober 10, 2014
News 10 Words And Phrases That Are Killing Your Cover Letter – Fast Company For creative writing, Joyce Carol Oates got it right when she advised, “Be daring, take on anything.” But when you…Super UserOctober 10, 2014
News Roche acquires exclusive rights to AbVitro’s extension-based target enrichment technology Swiss drug major Roche (ROG: SIX) has acquired exclusive rights to a primer extension-based target enrichment technology and associated patent…Super UserOctober 10, 2014
News NIH Awards $32-Million to Tackle Big Data in Medicine – Research – The Chronicle of Higher Education The National Institutes of Health on Thursday awarded almost $32-million in grants to more than two dozen institutions to devise…Super UserOctober 10, 2014
News BioBuzz MoCo October 22nd Join the BioBuzz networking group at our next free event. Along with 100's of the region's bioscience workers, you too…Super UserOctober 10, 2014
News InvestMaryland Challenge Prizes! – Startup Business Competition In 2014, startups took home nearly $1M in cash and prizes from the InvestMaryland Challenge. For 2015 we have new…Super UserOctober 9, 2014