Uncategorised Baltimore Business Journal Health Care Innovators 2014 nominations – Baltimore Business Journal To say there has been change in the health care industry is an understatement. Sweeping national reform and a major…Super UserAugust 19, 2014
Uncategorised VC: Investing in healthcare startups is a way to give back to society Healthcare startups, and all startups for that matter, need investors and funding to stay alive. For this reason, MedCity is pleased…Super UserJuly 11, 2014
Uncategorised BIO 2014: Two Cities, One Economy, and a Unique Innovation Ecosystem | Xconomy One of the under-appreciated features of the San Diego innovation ecosystem is the increasing significance of its proximity to one…Super UserJune 25, 2014
Uncategorised CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR OPEN 2015 – NCIIA The NCIIA 19th annual conference--Open 2015--will be held March 20-21 in Washington, D.C. The conference will cover all aspects of…Super UserJune 9, 2014
Uncategorised Biomanufacturing Technology Summit | Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 2014 8:00 am Emerging Strategies for the Production and Characterization of Biosimilars The biomanufacturing industry faces an…Super UserMay 26, 2014
Uncategorised NHLBI SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Awards, NHLBI – NIH The purpose of the NHLBI SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Award is to facilitate and accelerate the capital-intensive steps that are…Super UserApril 22, 2014
Uncategorised MoneyTree venture capital report released by PricewaterhouseCoopers and National Venture Capital Association breaks down regional data, including D.C. region – Washington Business Journal U.S. companies pulled in $9.5 billion in venture funding in the first three months of 2014, the highest quarterly total since…Super UserApril 21, 2014
Uncategorised TEDCO 2013 Economic Impact Study COLUMBIA, Md. (Jan. 29, 2014) – A recent third-party economic development impact study conducted by Battelle Technology Partnership Practice (TPP),…Super UserMarch 19, 2014
Uncategorised Lab-to-Market Inter-agency Summit Report On May 20, 2013, the White House Lab-To-Market Inter-Agency Summit was held in Washington, D.C. The Summit was organized by…Super UserMarch 19, 2014
Uncategorised University of Maryland student Veena Katikineni wins competition by Scientists Without Borders – The American Bazaar A University of Maryland medical student named Veena S. Katikineni is part of a pair of students that won a…Super UserMarch 7, 2014