www.gastrogirl.com Gastro Girl is an online health health coaching platform specifically designed to help individuals who struggle with common gastrointestinal…
www.cheeksup.com Automated speech and face muscle trainer for children. Join our Speech Therapist pilot studies. Founder: Ilze Zaharane BHI Lead Contact:…
www.agewellbiometrics.com AgeWell Biometrics improves senior care and quality of life by providing objective, precise and predictive fall risk assessment. Founder:…
www.avideatechnologies.com A polymer-based neoantigen company from JHU, NIH, Oxford and Prague polymer institute Founder: Geoffrey Lynn Source: NIH/Oxford/Prague
www.breezio.com Collaboration software for companies, institutions, and academia Founder: Chris Frew BHI Lead Contact: Judy Costello Source: DreamIT Health …