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Awards Recognize Achievements by Current Clients and Graduates of Maryland Incubators


Twenty-one of the State’s leading incubator companies have been selected as finalists for the 2017 Maryland Incubator Company of the Year Awards. The team from BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI) is proud to recognize that four of these companies are currenting operating out of either the BHI managed Rockville Innovation Center or the Germantown Innovation Center. Leverege, LLC., and Seraxis, Inc. are located at the Germantown Innovation Center.   ReveraGen BioPharma, Inc., and Speak Agent, Inc. reside at the Rockville Innovation Center.

“These four companies are a strong representation of the cross-section of growing technology enterprises in Montgomery County from Biotechnology to IoT and EdTech.” said Ethan Byler, BHI Managing Director.  Congratulations to all the finalists from both the Germantown Innovation Center and the Rockville Innovation Center. The recognition is a testament of their success.”

  • Leverege, LLC. is a systems integrator and end-to-end solutions provider that offers a simulation-centric IoT platform that reduces time to market, lowers costs, and results in better IoT services for customers.
  • ReveraGen BioPharma, Inc. is a privately held, clinical-stage pharmaceutical company developing therapeutics for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
  • Seraxis Inc. is a privately-owned Biotechnology company working to provide a cure for the devastating disease of diabetes.
  • Speak Agent, Inc. is an education company delivering game-based learning resources that can be customized to fit the exact academic vocabulary needs of learners.

The Germantown Innovation Center (GIC) is the County’s premier space for life sciences companies featuring wet labs and clean rooms in partnership with Montgomery College’s state-of-the-art biotech facilities.

The Rockville Innovation Center (RIC) offers Class A office space located in the heart of the bustling Rockville Town Center, which features great access to restaurants, nightlife, community events and fitness facilities.

The 2017 Maryland Incubator Company of the Year Awards will be held Thursday, June 15, 2017 at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore. The awards recognize achievements by current clients and graduates of Maryland incubators and provides a forum for the nominees to increase their visibility in the business, technology and investment communities. This year the awards are sponsored by Saul Ewing LLP, M&T Bank, and Maryland TEDCO.

About BioHealth Innovation, Inc.

BioHealth Innovation, Inc., is a regional innovation intermediary focused on commercializing market-relevant bio-health innovations and increasing access to early-stage funding in Maryland. Learn more at


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