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Development and Commercialization of Technologies to Create, Characterize or Improve Animal Models of Human Disease (SBIR)(R43/R44)- Jan 07, 2016

By August 16, 2013No Comments

Funding Opportunity Number: PA-13-092
Opportunity Category: Discretionary
Funding Instrument Type: Grant
Category of Funding Activity: Health
CFDA Number: 93.351
Eligible Applicants Small businesses
Agency Name: HHS-NIH11
Closing Date: Jan 07, 2016
Award Ceiling:
Expected Number of Awards:
Creation Date: Jan 25, 2013
Funding Opportunity Description: The Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM), Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP), supports Resources that create, develop, preserve and supply a variety of high-quality animal models and related biological materials to the biomedical community. DCM-supported Resources and the research community will benefit from development and commercialization of technologies that support the husbandry, characterization, improvement and use of animal models and related biological materials. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages small business concerns to submit Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications that propose innovative approaches to further develop, improve and facilitate the use of animal models and related biological materials to meet new biomedical challenges related to improvements in the health of humans and animals.

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