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Emocha Coast to Coast

Dear friends,

Last Friday, the emocha team onboarded two of our newest video DOT partners: San Diego County and the State of Delaware. From Collin County, TX, to Columbus, OH, we’ve continued working with innovative tuberculosis programs to make directly observed therapy more convenient and cost-effective.

We’re taking all opportunities as we grow to gather user feedback and improve the emocha experience for patients and providers. That’s why earlier this month, our team visited the Puerto Rico Department of Health to learn how our technology has impacted their TB program.

In late 2016, the island was dealing with a TB outbreak in a facility for mentally impaired men. We volunteered the emocha platform pro bono to help manage the outbreak with Dr. Dana Thomas, then Medical Director, championing the effort on behalf of the TB program. Within months, all patients using emocha showed clinical signs of improvement.  

“emocha is so important because we have lost staff and fiscal resources over the years,” said Dr. Olga Joglar, TB Control Program Director.

In Puerto Rico and around the country, emocha helps public health departments save time and money on DOT programs. NIH-supported research shows that our platform for video observation can secure 92% adherence with significant cost savings.


The emocha platform is used worldwide for TB, HCV, HIV and opioid use disorder treatment. Ready to learn more? Visit our website or reach out at

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