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Exclusive: Johns Hopkins professor and biotech colleagues tout new tech to test Covid-19 vaccine response – Endpoints News

By February 8, 2021No Comments
Linda Marbán, Capricor CEO

Linda Marbán, Capricor CEO

Vari ants to the SARS-CoV-2 virus have emerged of late as yet an oth er threat to a pan dem ic that’s al ready killed over 2.2 mil lion peo ple world wide.

The Covid-19 vac cines al ready on the mar ket have so far man aged to re tain at least some lev el of ef fi ca cy in treat ing new, more in fec tious strains of the res pi ra to ry virus — but con cern about oth er mu ta tions re mains pal pa ble as a slow, churn ing vac cine roll out con tin ues across the globe.

Image: Linda Marbán, Capricor CEO


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