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Four healthcare trends to watch in 2014

By March 17, 2014No Comments


2014 will continue to be a year of transformation as the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the changes it represents ripple through the healthcare industry. From conversations with healthcare providers across the country, Vree Health has identified four key issues providers face in the coming year–and beyond.

1. Healthcare reimbursement is due for a reboot

Healthcare systems, hospitals and providers are caught between two widely divergent business models: fee-for-service versus pay-for-performance. While dependent on the former, they must restructure their businesses to improve quality and manage costs across the entire care continuum to prepare for the latter. It’s an about face that Dr. David Nash, Founding Dean of the Jefferson School of Population Health, likened to turning an aircraft carrier around in the Panama Canal, when he spoke at MedCity CONVERGE last year.


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