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  • bhi-updated-logo-2017How do you obtain coverage and payment for your technology?
  • Is the process different for medical devices from diagnostics or therapeutics?
  • Can digital apps be reimbursed?
  • How do I work with bundled payments?
  • What is the process for securing reimbursement codes?  Do I need different strategies based upon the point of care?
  • How much do I need to budget for a reimbursement strategy?  When do I need one?
  • How to I talk to investors about my reimbursement strategy? 

Learn the answers to these questions and more through the November 14th PathFinder Innovation Program. (There is no charge to attend in person or by videoconference, however, pre-registration by NOON, 11/13 is required).

  • 8:15 a.m. Networking and Coffee
  • 8:30 a.m.  – Issues Overview (in person/by videoconference)
    • Speakers:  Brian Abraham, Founder, Lara Reimbursement Advisory
    • Luis Gutierrez, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, NHLBI and BioHealth Innovation
  • 9:30 a.m. – 1:1 Office Hours (in person/by videoconference)*

This program is cosponsored by BioHealth Innovation, Launch Workplaces, TEDCO and Montgomery County. It is open to anyone in the BioHealth Capital Region.  

To register/For more information, email:  BHI@BioHealthInnovation.  (In person 1:1 scheduling:

*Attendance at Overview in person/by videoconference required to participate in 1:1 sessions.


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