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INewImagen a move that combines an interest in improving health outcomes with a desire to create jobs and boost the state economy, the New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) and the New York State Department of Health (DOH) have partnered with the New York City Investment Fund to launch the New York Digital Health Accelerator (NYDHA). The program will subsidize health IT startups and link them with “senior advisors” from New York healthcare organizations to accelerate the development of useful new products.

Within the next few months, the program will choose 12 “early- and growth-stage companies” that are developing products in the areas of care coordination, patient engagement, data analytics and message alerts for healthcare providers. In addition to the mentoring, each selected company will receive up to $300,000 to help create solutions designed to improve quality of care for the state’s Medicaid recipients, according to a NYDHA announcement.



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