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The InvestMaryland program will be investing approximately $47-55M into several venture capital firms by mid-2012.  The Maryland Venture Fund Authority (MVFA) will be hiring a consultant to assist in the evaluation and selection of venture firms based on the selection criteria detailed in the InvestMaryland Program annotated code 6-518 – Selecting Applicants.

To be certified

For venture capital firms seeking to apply for investment funds from the Invest/Maryland Program, you must be Certified.

Certification is defined in the Maryland annotated code 6-518c1-c2 as:

(1)   The applicant must have at the time of application, an equity capitalization, net assets, or written commitments of at least $500,000 in the form of cash or cash equivalents; and

(2)   At least two principals or persons employed to direct the investment of the designated capital of the applicant must have at least 5 years of money management experience in the venture capital or private equity sectors.

No later than 90 days after an application is filed, the Secretary shall either:

(1)   Issue the certification; or

(2)   Refuse to issue the certification and communicate in detail to the applicant the grounds for the refusal.

To read the full, original article click on this link: InvestMD_Venture



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